2025 is the Year of unusual breakthroughs! 3 parts of Spirit
Intuition-brain /inner mind- Praying in tongues your spirit prays but our job is to SPEAK in earth these items of the authority given to us for:
our cars, buses, boats planes, jobs, finances, bills, that’s expenses, bank accounts, talents, energy or abilities, thoughts, actions, conversations, attitudes, emotions, like over our tunnel, bridges, highways, airways, waterways, public utilities, power plants, communication
from the communion, intuition and consciousness we become God’s path to create his will in the earthly realm.
- Communion-connect with God
Moses did not have a GPS for the Red Sea
How to be led by the spirit -Harnessed, leading of the spirit gave David accuracy with one stone, though he had taken five.
Spirit has to be active.-that means the human spirit can be dormant
-fastest way to activate the Spirit is pray in tongues, start your engine- but you are still not flying though. Never leave home for an important meeting with a dormant spirit. -
Spirit has to be educated-information you give your spirit will determine how it’s programmed. Garbage in and garbage out.
How can you date seven men to find which one is your husband? Who is leading you? God doesn’t lead you from below your waist he leads from above your waist Your Spirit.
Ephesians 3:16 strengthened by the spirit in the inner man. Spirit must be strengthened. what you might enjoy your spirit might reject:
Wrong supplements. what you think you enjoy, may be rejected by your spirit. In him we live and move and have our being Acts 7:28. Your soul may enjoy it, but your spirit will reject it. -
Sensitized talk to yourself in prophecy to yourself. Create a circle of people who will feed your spirit in the inner most parts. Sensitive to what the Lord wants through the communion of the Holy Spirit and intimacy. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit, singing.
Spirit has to grow to unlimited capacity! Environment. Push the right revelation that grows your spirit.
Don’t mix your anointing. Stay with one man of God. Though the others may speak from the same place in the Bible, they may not be from the same place in God as your covering.
Your man of God must align with the other teachings you are embracing.
VP and Dashika are aligned with prophet.
Tokens: Spiritual tokens can be of value in applying the annointing.
Oil for pain
Salt -preserve property, life, future
Water- breaking forth, sale of land Isaiah 45 waters break forth, no decay!
Pen, the ink inside. Whatever document you write/sign/ Isaiah 30:8 !
Door token- let engravings be prophecy in their house. This is a token applied to your front door.