Matt 22:2 Master invited servants to a feast. Took light of it. Excuses. God sent people again to them. With Jesus you get another chance. They denied again. God doesn’t go the third time. We are all called to be an Evangelist. Trained, Authority, don’t forget who sent you.The main message is not healing but it is a life. Healing is the calling card.
If you want to live a happy life, the master key is in Evangelism. It’s a mystery that your life gets better when you try to save others and make their life better. If you are depressed you are looking in the mirror too often. Self centered makes you depressed. Depression is not real. The feeling is but it’s really not real.Grief, Pride are reasons for depression. Use the principle of the SMILE. Social Media is first two letters. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel. Your social story should be once I was like this but NOW I am like this.
“i” Use your influence. You have a position in society. You all have influence over somebody.
- He smiles. You’re not bringing people to a religion but to a reality. Smiling.
- Blend in with the environment you are witnessing into. Hypocrits never liked Jesus or fit into what he was doing. Don’t be a hypocrit. When Jesus went into a house of a Pharasee, he didn’t pray. They shared the meal. Religion can not save a single soul. Don’t present Jesus as a style with no power. Sinners were very comfortable with Jesus. Even prostitutes.
In most churches talking about evangelism is boring. It’s fun. Children, and everybody is comfortable with Jesus and should be comfortable with you.
Use opportunities to share your story.
A cricket commentator invited Jerome to speak to his staff about Christianity. Jerome used his example to make them comfortable as a cricket player. In speaking to a group you need to just tell your story so they can relate.
Christian idea for Christmas. Invite 12 people to your home that are not normal church members. Even if you have to include Santa Claus it’s not a problem. Santa can also spell Satan. Just use what you can to get them to listen to your story. Maybe even sing some songs. Just say we want to share the Christmas Story with you. Not a long deal. 5 minutes max. Why Jesus came. How he came, His birth. Why he is God. In last 2 minutes share how Jesus has changed you.
Use space on your 3 Wheeler to advertise Jesus instead of junk there. After you have shared your story play a video of a healing.
Matt 4:18 Come as you are. Are you drug addict, Come as you are. Are you gay, Come as you are. Are you sick, CAYA. Are you short, CAYA. Are you white CAYA. Are you whatever, CAYA. Jesus found two brothers fishing and said, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
Following requires 3 things.
A person. Jesus is not a theory but a person.
There’s a pattern. Your are converted to the example of that person. Not a religion. Christ like.
You do NOT have to change first and then follow.
John 1:17 Law by Moses. Grace and Truth by Jesus. You are NOT applying Moses’ law. But Grace and Truth. We are giving Grace FIRST. Then Truth. Witnessing is not making them feel bad, useless, loser, sinfull. That’s NOT come as you are. Follow me and become a fisher of men.
Purpose Come as you are. Come and see. We give you Grace, but later we will tell you the Truth. When Jesus said you will catch men like fish. Where do fish swim? Below you. Try to reach those below your level. It’s more effective. You must be appealing to the one you are witnessing to. You will get rejected sometimes. It’s OK. Always look good. It attracts people to your story.